Sweetwater bike park 04.12.2021
Sweetwater Bike Park information
- Map click here
- address: 6057 San Miguel Rd, Bonita, CA 91902
- phone number: (619) 472-7572
Park hours of operation
The Sweetwater park is open from 9:30am to sunset 7 days a week, but be sure to check the parks Facebook page before you head down. It has been closed for maintenance intermittently in its first week being opened.
Sweetwater Bike Park Pump Track
Sweetwater Bike Park Dirt Jumps
Pure Radness in Bonita California
With the opening of a true bike only community park. The Sweetwater Bike Park located at the Sweetwater summit community park, is the first of its kind in San Diego.
The park has:
- 2 downhill flow lines. (beginner and advance)
- 1 jump line with 3 levels of jumps. (beginner, intermediate / MTB and advanced)
- pump track
- kids pump track
- skills / trials area

Bike park features
Flow lines: The two flow lines have multiple berms and jumps as well as many different manual / jump sequences and transfer lines. With the advanced line ending with two wooden wall rides.
Jump Lines: There is one jump line but it has 3 separate levels of jumps:
Beginner line has small tables perfect to warm up with or work on whips. Also if you have never hit a jump before this would be a good place to start.
Intermediate line is also the “mountain bike” line. The jumps have similar sized gaps to the advance line but the lips and landings aren’t as steep.
Advanced line has steep lips and steep landings. Perfect for working on flow and being steezy AF. while they are jumpable on a fully suspended bike you’ll have to be: A) a good rider and B) work for it a bit. They are perfect for a 20″ or 26″ dirt jumper.
Pump track: Super tacky, super hard pack dirt with steep bowled out berms and plenty pump features make for an awesome pump track. two or three laps will smoke your fitness.
Kids pump track: Right at the entrance to the bike park is a mini pump track for the groms. So funny to see the little bikes and kids scooting around.
Skills area: This has some drops to flat, bike balance beams and low cement pillars to hop around on. test out you skills, impress your friends etc..
Riding in San Diego
Riding technical trails and jumps has become increasingly more difficult in San Diego. With trail closures and changed regulations mountain bikers have been forced to build trails illegally. Sometimes on land designated for recreation but excluding mountain bikes. Every time I ride at Calaveras and see the big signs that say “no mountain biking”. I can’t help but feel like the “red headed step child” of the community. Yet there are still plastic water bottles, and plastic bags of dog poop carelessly discarded but the patrons that are still welcomed to use the land. For the city of Bonita to step up and make this community park for bikes is amazing. Seeing everyone from kids on strider bikes to; I was talking with this one guy that looked like he was 70 still hitting jumps all having a good time.
New Video 6.28.20
Riding the Sweetwater Bike Park on My Marin Alcatraz. Making laps on the pump track and following a few buddies on the jump line.
Rob Wessels on the pumptrack
Main Jumpline
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