What is Sprockids San Diego?
Sprockids is a non profit organization helping the youth engage in mountain biking.
Focusing on:
- Strategies
- Life skills
- Community
- Stewardship
All taught by a group of true mountain bike and outdoor enthusiasts.

Sporkids at the Vailocity Bike park
I was introduced to Sprockids San Diego by board member Scott Isgitt. Scott has been a long time riding buddy. When he mentioned his involvement with the organization I was eager to get involved as well!
On this day I was able to show up with a jeep full of mountain bike shoes donated by Afton. I also brought my camera and hung out for the day getting photos. Honestly it was one of the more fun days I have had on a bike. Not because I was riding but because of the good company.

Youth MTB training
The day consisted of:
- Bike and safety gear check
- Flat ground bike skills
- Technical climbing skills
- Technical descending skills
The ride up was the “new bridges” trail at the Vailocity bike park. The technical downhills skills were on “Matco”. Having never walked the rock garden sections on “Matco” before. I was surprised to see how rocky they were. And from the perspective of some of these 24″ wheels even rockier!

These young rippers were so positive and happy throughout the day. That’s not to say that there weren’t tears at some points. Never tears of pain but “tears from fears” (tears for fears pun). But to fall, get back up and not quite is a skill that should be practiced.

Good times on 2 wheels
At the end of the day I was just stoked to be on my bike. Hanging with a bunch of people that were equally as stoked to be on bikes. The kids attitudes, abilities and progression was infectious and inspirational. As populations continue to increase and with more people being introduced to the outdoors. Learning how to respect the land we are able to use as well as one another is only going to become more important. I can’t think of a better way of doing this than by properly educating the next generation. Who are going to inherit or problems or our joys.
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