SoCal Enduro Vail lake round 2 – 03/01/202
With rain in the forecast, Round 2 was shaping up to be a good one! Waking up sunday to dry streets I knew that my dream of dirt like a moist chocolate chip cookie was not coming true. It ended up being a wired mix of cold and hot and dry as fuck with almost rain? i dunno.. everyone had to deal with it. My crap day of practice rolled over into my race day. I rode like a donkey, crashed a few times and dropped a chain.. I never drop chains! I also usually cut my chain to the right length though (shit).. Ended up 9th pro.. new strategy moving forward. I am going to lose so many races that I get desensitised to losing and then i’ll start winning. Game, set, match..

SoCal Enduro Vail lake Round 1 – 01/26/2020.
And so the 2020 race season begins.. Nothing like showing up to a race completely under prepared and out of shape. When the days are short in these rough SoCal winters, I find myself in doors at 5pm because it’s dark.. And I have nothing to do when it’s dark.. After a whiskey filled December my Mole Man ass needed to “tune my shit up”. Physically, Mentally and maybe even spiritually? That brought forth dry january as well as a regimented schedule for riding and strength training. January 26th came quick, too quick. Waking up that Sunday morning at 6am I decided I would race.

Riding / Racing Vail Lake
Vail Lake is a fun place to ride and SoCal Enduro puts on a well organized event. I think this one had 300+ racers. Vail Lake is private property with a trail system built by mountain bikers. There are cross country, enduro trails, a jump line and a little pump track. As far as racing enduro at Vail Lake I wouldn’t say it is the most technical terrain but the trails have some tech spots and have good flow. The transfer between stages is the same fire road with an easy climb which is nice. Basically if you’ve never ridden an enduro before or you want to compete against some seriously fast dudes you can do that racing at Vail.
My Result
I ended up 11th Pro, not what I had wanted, you play to win right!? Nonetheless it was good to get that first one out of the way and stir up some more motivation to ride and train.
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